Definitions: Book Edition (part 2)
Here’s how I organize this batch of definitions:
Book Terms
DNF, CR, RTC, TW/CW, Blurb/Synopsis, HEA/HFN, POV - 1ST & 3D, YA, LI, MC, FMC, MMC, PB/HC
Genre Terms
Story Terms
Meet Cute, Sapphic, BIPOC, Smut/Spice, Fade to Black, OTP, TSTL, Cinnamon Roll, DubCon/NonCon, Who did this to you?/My Wife/Touch her and die, STFUATTDLAGG/STFUASMCLAGG (Bonus: DYWMTCOAEYPTYCOMF)
Books We Mentioned: all use my BookShop affiliate link
Jokes We Made Reference To:
Jump the Shark (Happy Days), Horse of a Different Color, (Wizard of Oz), Sappho, Phil from Modern Family Wife Quote,